2030 Vision

Thirty-nine years and counting after the Ann Arbor JCC was founded in 1984, it continues to grow and thrive. And just as the ancient story of our People tells of a journey with a goal — the Promised Land — so must each generation create its own goals and narrative. For the rising generation, may the 2030 Vision, developed in 2018 with broad community input, stand as inspiration and direction for our community to flourish. May its shared existence serve as an invitation to all to find the touchpoint that excites you, and engage you. What follows here is a brief summary of the 2030 Vision. Please download the 2030 Vision to read it in its entirety.

Writing the Next Chapter

The 2030 Vision is not a prioritized strategic planning summary of goals, objectives and action steps. Strategic planning will follow the vision, with ongoing evaluation as we move forward. The 2030 Vision is inclusive of all feedback voiced by our community members during the visioning sessions. We recognize that current and new community partners, on their own or in collaboration with the JCC, may provide some of the services and programs that are included in the Vision. We welcome a multitude of community partners to make these dreams a reality. We know that other opportunities may present themselves as new possibilities shift, align, and gather support over time.

Overarching Themes

CONTINUITY – Building on our strengths

EXPANSION – Significant potential additions

PARTNERSHIPS – Importance of collaboration with other community groups

What if in 2022…

Mo, a retired teacher, drives the J’s van, contracted with Jewish Family Services, to transport children from the public and private schools enrolled in the J’s after school programs. Morgan, the J’s full time Youth Program Coordinator greets everyone by name as they disperse to their activities joined by Hebrew Day School students. Middle schoolers head to the Homework Helper Lab, while the Game Group tries to top their Vapors score.  The Babysitting Corps students finish their unit on “Toddlers and Teens” and plan to post their availability on the Parent Lounge board. Meanwhile, in the boutique fitness studio, adults aged 18 to 80 increase their wellness. Some of the equipment was selected in consultation with local gerontology experts to meet the needs of the “young” and “old” elderly. “Nutrition Across the LifeSpan” classes are fully enrolled.

What if in 2024…

Noam, a twelve-year old, won the contest to lay the cornerstone of the new five-acre campus. He and his family, along with three hundred others, attend the groundbreaking at the former Ann Arbor research park.  “The main building will house the enlarged ECC and Teacher Lounge, multipurpose rooms for programs and classes, a commercial-size kosher kitchen and eating venues, administrative offices, and rental space available to lease to other Jewish, educational, and community groups,” announces Dave, the J’s Executive Director.

The Architects points, “that is where we will build the fitness facility and pool, and over there is where the conference center and age appropriate playgrounds will be. Outdoors will be paths and exercise areas.”

Small groups tour the campus where wooded areas  will be preserved, the campus will be built, and the garden will grow produce to supply to the food service for ECC hot lunches, catered events, and meal delivery by the Teen Mitzvah Corps.